You probably reached this page either because you have diabetes or you know someone with diabetes.
I want to show you how I think you can reverse insulin resistance permanently and get control back of how your body uses insulin.
If you are not paying attention to your health and are not feeling well, then chances are you have some form of insuline resistance.
I want to show you how you don’t have to struggle reducing your carbohydrates and still be in control of how your body uses insulin.
If you are curious how you can eat lots of carbohydrates and get your body back functioning better then listen to my interview below with Cyrus Khambatta, PhD and Robby Barbaro, MPH both living with Type 1 diabetes and consuming a shocking amount of fruit.
I asked Robby to join me online and answer a couple questions and his response left me having no more questions…
I think what Cyrus and Robby have done is remarkable. They took what we thought was not the right approach and showed us it can be.
They are both the founders of Mastering Diabetes, an online education site for those looking for getting control back from their diabetes.
They have helped 1000’s of people improve their health from living with diabetes and provide I great structure for approaching how you should eat everyday.
You are most likely living with insulin sensitivity meaning that there is too much fat in cells where there is not suppose to be too much fat and this is causing insulin resistance.
In the video Robby talking about the importance of the blue zone research and how the use of the Kempner diet seems to improve cardiovascular and insulin issues. He also mention dr. Brunzell research that showed a high carbohydrate consumption doesn’t cause hyperinsulinemia. If you can improve nutrient density of your food consumption you are going to improve your results.
Robby also mentioned the broad study and the Anderson studies showing that even consuming large amounts of carbohydrates, people still lost weight and maintained normal insulin levels.
I wanted to see for myself, someone who doesn’t have diabetes if I could show any difference in how I was feeling by following some of their recommendations.
After using a continuous glucose monitor now for 3 months, following their recommendations in the book Mastering Diabetes, it is quite clear to me you can gain control back on your insulin eating carbohydrates.
How would a HbA1c reduction of 2% sound?
or a 20 lb weight loss or how about a 52% reduction in your medication use?
This is actually possible following the mastering diabetes program.
How it works?
Once you login you simply choose your plan and follow it, give yourself 3 months and watch what happens to your diabetes.
You can choose to do it yourself or do it in small groups or maybe you need more one on one coaching. This is all possible once you sign up with mastering your diabetes program.
Raj B did it – This lifestyle is incredible – my A1c dropped from 7.4% to 5.2% and I stopped taking all pills. My doctor has never seen anything like this before and he wants to know how I did it.
It is also doctor approved…
The Mastering Diabetes program is a phenomenal resource for patients with all forms of diabetes, enabling patients to profoundly improve their health. If the Mastering Diabetes approach was applied to patients with diabetes worldwide, I believe we would see an epidemic of wellness.
-Robert Ostfeld, MD, MSc, FACC Preventative Cardiology
Tina dropped her A1c from 10.6% to 5.4%
Buy the book
This powerful book will revolutionize the way you think about diabetes. Written by two guys with type 1 diabetes at the forefront of the diabetes revolution, Cyrus and Robby have created a roadmap to understand the physiology of insulin resistance and give you the tools to reverse it using powerful scientific evidence.
Michael Greger, MD, FACC
New York Times Bestselling Author of How Not to Die and How Not to Diet
When you are a type 2 diabetic, my message is don’t control it – instead, get rid of it. Mastering Diabetes is a masterpiece with critical information that every diabetic should know. Knowledge is power. Why be a diabetic when you can recover?
Joel Fuhrman, MD
New York Times Bestselling Author of The End of Diabetes