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The Ultimate Covid19 CoronaVirus update: 17/04/2020

I have been like most people going through my daily email box with all sorts of information on Covid19.

Facebook is full of information; I can’t seem to look at anyone’s feed without seeing some sort of corona virus information.

It has almost got too overwhelming with too much info and too many opinions.

So, I thought why not compile everything in this blog post that I have found interesting or motivating regarding this crazy crisis.

My hope is for this to be more informative then opinionated. Having been schooled with the ability of critical thought, I figured I could do my part in journaling what I am doing and reading to keep myself up to date and informed.

Most of this post is random and overtime my hope is to better organize it with a clear flow to help you understand what will certainly be an impactful part of our lives going forward.

The only means to fight the plague is honesty.

Albert Camus, The Plaque (1947)


 The following site is an update with facts about the crisis:


Numbers are not really as they say.

If you want to get an updated idea on the case fatality rates. This document was put out by university of oxford:


The Culling

I must give most of the credit for the idea to compile this to my good friend Joe Schafer. He has been very consistent in sending out interesting sites, videos and articles on this whole crisis, so this post is kind of in honour of Joe and a thank you to his due diligence.

The first article I read from him he called “The Culling”

The Culling – To reduce or control the size of (something, such as a herd) by removal (as by hunting or slaughter) of especially weak or sick individuals (Merriam-Webster online dictionary)

Perhaps, Covid-19 should be renamed the “Culling virus”.  Anyone can get infected, but those succumbing to it are predominately in some state of a weakened condition having comorbidities, primarily those involving the heart, high blood pressure, diabetes and lungs being the ones who are most at risk, but also those who are significantly ‘out of homeostasis’ with dysregulation of systems, in one way or another, will be at greater risk.

As statistics continue to arrive, it is becoming ever clearer, as noted in the attachment from the CEBM article, that what we think we know we do not and what we fear may be only a question of fear itself and not a pandemic bug, but a pandemic psychosis.

If the lockdowns last much longer, democracy will begin to crumble and anarchy begin to win over.  Just today a couple in Bari were screaming and beating on the strong barriers to a bank, yelling, “We have no money!

We cannot go to buy anything!”  Survival instincts will reign and democracy, and civil behaviour will be forgotten.

Will the means and the reasoning behind the implementation of ‘the means be validated on final analysis?  As time passes, the justification for provoking mass hysteria and economic collapse seems to become ever weaker.

As Italy’s death rate increases, but due, in many respects not to true primary covid infection, but what appears to be to multifactorial in origin.  Covid just happens to ‘hit’ the right areas that are more highly susceptible to negative changes.

We know that the elderly who are taking meds for concomitant pre-existing conditions are most predisposed to have to look death in the eye. When considering this and other age groups, look to the lungs for the answer.

It is well known that as lung function decreases in a person, possible death from any infection taken will also increases dramatically.  Thus, it may be argued that if lung function can be improved, it will help the heart (both reside in the mediastinum) as well and the overall immune health of the older patient.

The diaphragm typically contributes about 30% to actual breathing, the rest is due to pulmonary dynamics through the lungs themselves.

As the lungs become less capable, the diaphragm becomes more important in respiration, often surpassing 50%, and more, just to ventilate.  Diaphragmatic breathing puts more strain on the body through energy consumption and other factors that are also positional related (lying down worse for example).

The diaphragm must work harder, but in the elderly a slow atrophy of the diaphragm and a significant decrease in ‘fast twitch fibres’ makes the ‘takeover capacity’ that may be made by the diaphragm, not happen.  Anatomical considerations are also important.

Arthritic conditions and osteopenia play contributing roles in loss of thoracic cage dynamics, complicating any other co-existing factors.

It is well accepted that lung function increases until about the ages of 20-25 years where it remains stable until about 35 years and then begins to fade.  If lung capacity is high in the 20 to 35 range, the fading is less noticeable even though happening as well.

Negative environmental toxin exposures, infections and nutrition during life play significant roles in just how prepared an individual will be upon reaching the 35 age-related deadline.

The elderly tend to have a reduced β-adrenoreceptor sensitivity in the lungs which leads to greater bronchoconstriction and less responsiveness to bronchodilation efforts.  On top of this is that although the total lung volume throughout life remains basically unchanged, but the residual functional capacity and volume increase with age which translates to total lessened capacity.  Basically, the amount of ‘dead space’ increases while volume remains the same.  Elderly having performed athletics during aging have the same percentage of reduction, but will better overall capacity.

The ventilation response to lowered O2 levels and raised CO2 levels is markedly reduced in the elderly and the natural protective mechanism for ventilation can be severely hampered and one becomes more vulnerable.   Respiratory muscle strength decreases with age, but much more in men than in woman.  Could this be one of the reasons why the morbidity rate is much higher in men?

As well the reduced response in the non-athletic elderly to hypoxia and hypercapnia makes them more vulnerable to ventilatory failure during high demand states (heart conditions, lung infections, etc), with poor outcomes expected.  Does the covid response now ring a bell?

The reduced perception to bronchoconstriction in the elderly may result in a delay to get medical attention.  Coupled with low-grade, chronic lower respiratory tract inflammation, the aged will have an accelerated tendency to decline.

Immunological changes in the Lungs with age

Immune dysregulation of the lungs is well studied. The bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids in the elderly have higher neutrophil and lower macrophage counts with respect to younger subjects.  There is an age-related increase in IgA and IgM as well as an increase in the CD4+/CD8+ lymphocyte ratio which has been linked to chronic antigenic stimulation of the lower respiratory mucosa throughout life.  The higher ratio indicates a higher level of ‘primed, immature T-cells’ waiting for any signal to go into battle and the higher macrophage percentage that will release superoxide anions at any defence stimulus.

Complicating the picture is that the cellular profile of the epithelial lining fluid (ELF) in the elderly is more compromised.  The ELF provides protection by minimizing oxidative injury.  Normally, the ELF is rich in superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione, vitamins E and C as well as metaloenzymes (zn, mn, etc).  The reduced capacity of the ELF in the elderly will predispose them to greater susceptibility during fulminating oxidation and inflammation (macrophage release, chronic inflammation, etc).

What does all this mean to me and Covid?

  1. Be happy if you’re not over 60.
  2. Be happy if you’re over 60 but have no other health problems.
  3. Be happy if you are still athletic, over 60 and have no other health problems.

For those who don’t fit into the above, who are basically older and sick or just sick….

  1. Improve lung function dynamics and mechanics.
  2. See a well-qualified doctor of manipulative therapies.
  3. Have that doctor work hard on the thoracic cage, the thoracic spine, the diaphragm.
  4. Have that doctor work on the cervical spine to improve diaphragmatic stimulation through the phrenic nerve and autonomic function through the vagus.
  5. Have that doctor work on the cervicodorsal junction to improved upper respiratory function and lymphatic drainage, especially the thoracic duct.
  6. If you don’t have a suitable doc, at least go to a sport outlet (if one is open in your neighbourhood) or order online a ‘massage roller’ or use a pilates ball and extend yourself over it trying to take the kyphosis curve out of your spine. Try to breathe deeply at the same time…I know, it hurts like hell.  If it doesn’t you don’t need it!
  7. Take lung immune system modulating agents, especially
    1. Reduced glutathione
    2. Vitamins C & E
    3. Superoxide dismutase
    4. Zinc and manganese
    5. Even a good multi-nutrient blend is better than nothing.
    6. Very good herbals like devil’s claw, echinacea, turmeric, boswelia, Ribes, black walnut, rosemary, thyme, oregano…and the list goes on. All plants will have some antioxidant, immune protective function.  It is part of their nature.

It is very possible that the excitement surrounding covid was not as necessary as it seems.  Yes, covid infections can lead to death, but are proving NOT to be the primary cause of death.  They are more like ‘accelerants’ touching an open flame.

The ‘culling’ of the elderly and the weak can be reduced and we can all go back to doing something instead of nothing.  Sound reasoning and understanding of what is being learned must be put into the mainstream approach, but I don’t see this as happening since a pandemic hysteria is already the game of the day.  My dad is 90+ and I don’t want to see him pass away as I am sure that none of you wish upon your family.  Use this information to protect and heal. Don’t forget simple lung function.

Again, credit to dr. Joe for this one. Thank you my friend.

According to specialists, Covid-19 pneumonia is different from the most common cases in that it doesn’t respond to antibiotics and it’s more severe. For example, coronavirus pneumonia tends to affect all of the lungs, instead of just small parts… We should look at this as a wake-up call.

reference: https://selfhack.com/blog/what-are-the-long-term-effects-of-covid-19/

How worried should we be about the virus? Great article going deep into that question:

reference: https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/how-worried-should-we-be-about-coronavirus

The new coronavirus causing COVID-19 has led to more than 454,000 illnesses and more than 20,550 deaths worldwide. For comparison, in the U.S. alone, the flu (also called influenza) has caused an estimated 38 million illnesses, 390,000 hospitalizations and 23,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

reference: https://www.livescience.com/new-coronavirus-compare-with-flu.html

Now on to some helpful links that allowed me to stay in control of my emotions and give me some perspective on this whole pandemic.

I really like what Peter Attia has done with his podcast and have found a number of his podcasts to be really informative.

Lets Start with this one which gives you an overview of the historic perspective on pandemics. Amesh really knows his stuff on preparedness.

Past Pandemics

I think it is good to get a little perspective on pandemics as well.

Perspectives on Pandemics

This one I found very useful in explaining what is going on in a kid friendly way. Something to help your kids understand what is going on.


This podcast I found really helpful in putting everything into context and getting a really solid background in this whole issue. Michael Osterholm really knows his epidemiology. I can only be jealous even though I am almost finished my PhD.

COVID Epidemiology

The second podcast is dr. Osterholm being interviewed by Joe Rogan.

I thought this video was a good overview of what is going on world wide:

Facts Not Fear

Always enjoy listening to dr. Leo Pruimboom on aspects of healthy living during this crisis:

Lifestyle Preparation

Another really great insight in how to stay healthy during this corona crisis and for the rest of your life.

How to stay healthy during a pandemic

How to deal with the mental side of the corona crisis

Fear and uncertainty:

Finding stillness amongst the chaos:

Managing the crisis:

Covid19 as a rehab intervention: I really love how Rich Roll inteviews. I always come away with some really good personal nuguts.

The Coronation

A couple collegues of mine did webinars about things you can do to keep yourself healthy. I thought the webinars were really well done.

Health Strategy during pandemics

The second one you have to register for but well work the watch:
Click Here To Register

Some really important points about the virus:

  • The virus is not a living organism, but a protein molecule (DNA) covered by a protective layer of lipid (fat), which, when absorbed by the cells of the ocular, nasal or buccal mucosa, changes their genetic code. (mutation) and convert them into aggressor and multiplier cells.
  • Since the virus is not a living organism but a protein molecule, it is not killed but decays on its own. The disintegration time depends on the temperature, humidity and type of material where it lies.
  • The virus is very fragile; the only thing that protects it is a thin outer layer of fat. That is why any soap or detergent is the best remedy because the foam CUTS the FAT (that is why you have to rub so much: for 20 seconds or more, to make a lot of foam). By dissolving the fat layer, the protein molecule disperses and breaks down on its own.
  • HEAT melts fat; this is why it is so good to use water above 25 degrees Celsius for washing hands, clothes and everything. In addition, hot water makes more foam and that makes it even more useful.
  • Alcohol or any mixture with alcohol over 65% DISSOLVES ANY FAT, especially the external lipid layer of the virus.
  • Oxygenated water helps long after soap, alcohol and chlorine, because peroxide dissolves the virus protein, but you have to use it pure and it hurts your skin.
  • The virus is not a living organism like bacteria; so antibiotics don’t work.
  • The virus molecules remain very stable in external cold, or artificial as air conditioners in houses and cars. They also need moisture to stay stable, and especially darkness. Therefore, dehumidified, dry, warm and bright environments will degrade it faster.
  • UV LIGHT on any object that may contain it breaks down the virus protein. For example, to disinfect and reuse a mask is perfect. Be careful, it also breaks down collagen (which is protein) in the skin, eventually causing wrinkles and skin cancer.
  • The virus CANNOT go through healthy skin.
  • SPIRITS or VODKA, don’t work. The strongest vodka is 40% alcohol, and you need 65%.
  • The more confined space, the more concentration of the virus there can be. The more open or naturally ventilated, the less.
  • You have to wash your hands before and after touching mucosa, food, locks, knobs, switches, remote control, cell phone, watches, computers, desks, TV, etc. And when using the bathroom.

Killer health tips delivered randomly to your inbox

2 comments… add one
  • Stephen Shashyan Apr 15, 2020 @ 1:15

    Really well put together thanks Alan ????

    • Alan Apr 15, 2020 @ 7:38

      Thanks Stephen 🙂 Still got way more to add

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